Turfsaver - RTF

Rhizomatous Tall Fescue



The only self repairing tufted turf!

• Self-repairing turf
• Grows great in sun or shade
• Excellent color and density
• Excellent insect and disease resistance
• Strong, deep root system and drought tolerance
• Withstand waterlogged conditions


What to use where:

  • Tee-boxes
  • Shady areas
  • Water logged conditions


Seeding Rate:
40 g/m²
Tall Fescue

A coarse-textured, bunch-type grass that is considered a good lawn and utility turf grass. Adapted to a wide range of soil conditions. Heat and drought stress tolerance especially good for a cool-season grass; cold tolerance is relatively poor. Widely used as a utility turf grass in warm temperate and cool subtropical climates. Has become an important specie in warm temperate and cool subtropical climates.

A coarse-textured, bunch-type grass that is considered a good lawn and utility turf grass. Adapted to a wide range of soil conditions. Heat and drought stress tolerance especially good for a cool-season grass; cold tolerance is relatively poor. Widely used as a utility turf grass...

A coarse-textured, bunch-type grass that is considered a good lawn and utility turf grass. Adapted to a wide range of soil conditions. Heat and drought stress tolerance especially good for a cool-season grass; cold tolerance is relatively poor. Widely used as a utility turf grass in warm temperate and cool subtropical climates. Has become an important specie in warm temperate and cool subtropical climates.