Minimum damage to golf course with RPR
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Damage to your golf course is something you want to prevent. And RPR helps you do just that. RPR is a regenerating perennial ryegrass that develops determinate stolons. RPR is the first perennial ryegrass variety with this particular quality. It stands up to heavy traffic while keeping its good looks. As a creeping perennial ryegrass, RPR outperforms traditional perennial ryegrass, resulting in a regenerating perennial ryegrass with the highest wear tolerance and close mowing tolerance. This makes it ideal for use on sports pitches and, combined with fine-leaved perennial ryegrass, fairways and tees as well. |
![]() Determinate stolons
Thanks to RPR technology, no turf will be easily damaged by golf clubs. Turf quality also remains high, even when subjected to haevy punishment and after being struck with great force. Tees and fairways retain a dense sward that can stand up to intensive use and is divot-resistant. |
Golf courses as strong as iron Golf tees and fairways are being used more and more intensively. This results in more damage to the golf course. But recovery is often all but impossible as regular mixtures are not self-regenerating. Adding RPR technologies to existing mixtures combines speed and strength, producing a golf course that is as strong as iron. Barenbrug distinguishes between two mixtures. Both mixtures can be mown down to 10 mm without any impact on strength or self-regenerating ability. |
![]() Preventing annual meadow grass RPR is as strong as smooth meadow grass but establishes faster. This reduces the risk of ingression of the undesired annual meadow grass (Poa annua) in your tee or fairway. And the advantage of this is a denser, better-rooting sward that requires less fertiliser and water. Trials have shown that the use of the new Bar Extreme RPR mix can decrease the growth of annual meadow grass by up to 20% within two months after seeding. Because RPR can be seeded so early, you can enjoy a green, dense sward for longer. The mixture with RPR technology combines strength and speed, minimises damage to your golf course and guarantees a year-round dense sward for your tee or fairway. |
Bar Extreme RPR is a 100% fine-leaved perennial ryegrass mixture with RPR that ensures extremely quick recovery and is super-strong. It produces a high-quality golf course that minimises damage. It is mainly used for reseeding.
Bar Intensive RPR is a tee and fairway mixture consisting of red fescue and fine-leaved perennial ryegrass to which RPR has been added. This has resulted in a strong mixture that, thanks to the red fescue, has a high disease tolerance, a high wear tolerance and an extreme dense sward. Bar Intensive RPR is used for both seeding and reseeding. |