
Panicum maximum

  • Tufted perennial with deep root system
  • Low resistance to drought and water logging
  • Requires fertile soils
  • Rotational grazing recommended
  • It produces between 12% and 14% crude protein
  • It is recommended for milk production and intensive fattening
  • Has production potential of 14 to 16 ton dry matter

Mombaca is characterized by its high nutritional content and it responds very well to intense fertilization. It is greatly used as a forage grass by beef producers. Mombaca is highly recommended for intense grazing systems and is a good alternation for pasture diversification with Brachiaria like Marandu. It requires fertile soils and is not recommended to be planted on slopes.

Grazing management
It can be either rotationally grazed or set stocked. Some farmers also prefer to cut-and-carry. Graze/cut every 40-45 days in the wet season and 60-70days in cool season. The preferred grazing height is between 10 and 15 cm.


Seeding rate (coated)
6-10 kg/ha
Tropical Grasses

Tropical pasture grasses cover a wide range of species. The environments in which they are grown include the wet tropics and the semi-arid tropics. 

Tropical pasture grasses cover a wide range of species. The environments in which they are grown include the wet tropics and the semi-arid tropics. 

Tropical pasture grasses cover a wide range of species. The environments in which they are grown include the wet tropics and the semi-arid tropics.