
Perennial Ryegrass

(Lolium perenne)

Tyson - the standout paddock

  • Very early heading date (-7 days)
  • Outstanding early spring growth
  • Very high annual DM yield

Tyson is a very early-flowering, diploid perennial ryegrass, with tremendous early spring growth and excellent overall yield. With a -7 day heading date, it is the earliest heading perennial ryegrass on the market. Tyson is a terrific fit for most systems, where additional dry matter available earlier in the spring means more feed available for milk and meat production. Capturing this advantage in your farm system will translate to more milk being produced, and higher lamb and beef weight gains.

Tyson has an excellent total DM yield, similar to Trojan ryegrass, but it’s in early spring that it really shines with an 18% higher yield than other perennial ryegrasses. This is extremely valuable for several
• Start your season earlier with less supplements
• Early lamb drafts usually fetch better prices
• Extra feed is freed up for other livestock

Provides more pasture for lambing and calving
Tyson’s outstanding early spring growth helps overcome feed deficits typically associated with this period and is ideal for early lambing and calving systems.

Optimises spring productivity
Tyson is particularly suited to farm systems that need to maximise spring pasture and animal growth before the possible arrival of drier


Key features
• Very early heading date (-7 days)
• Outstanding early spring growth
• Very high annual DM yield

Tyson has been bred from our best early season perennial ryegrasses, Meridian and Arrow. Meridian was a very early cultivar we released several years ago with an exceptional early spring yield. The improvement we have achieved with Tyson is to capture the best of this and combine it with the best of Arrow. This gives both exceptional early spring growth and a very good year-round yield.



Seeding rate
25 kg/ha
Perennial Ryegrass

Perennial ryegrass is a cool season perennial grass used in cool, temperate climates throughout the world. It has many worthy attributes and is considered the best overall pasture grass for many areas.

Perennial ryegrass is a cool season perennial grass used in cool, temperate climates throughout the world. It has many worthy attributes and is considered the best overall pasture grass for many areas.

Perennial ryegrass is a cool season perennial grass used in cool, temperate climates throughout the world. It has many worthy attributes and is considered the best overall pasture grass for many areas.