
Perennial Ryegrass

  1. Persistent Performance: Maxsyn: tough, dense, high yield.

  2. Summer Resilience: Maxsyn stays green in summer.

  3. Top Rankings: Maxsyn: #1 diploid in indices.

Diploid perennial ryegrass
Maxsyn is the next generation in perennial ryegrass – persistent, tough, densely tillered, with high total DM. High tiller numbers help it tolerate a range of different stresses. Maxsyn is the unbeaten diploid for total yield in the NFVTs for All New Zealand trials and has a heading date of +8 days.

Shines in summer
Summer is a time most farm systems are short of feed, so extra pasture is highly valued. Visually you can see the difference, with Maxsyn holding its green colour longer into hot summer conditions.

Top diploid in the FVI
Maxsyn is an unbeaten diploid perennial ryegass in the 2022 DairyNZ Forage Value Index (FVI).

Unbeaten in the NFVT's
It is also the unbeaten diploid perennial ryegrass in the 2021-22 industry National Forage Variety Trials (NFVT) for total yield across all New Zealand trials.

Densely tillered
The more tillers a pasture has, the more robust and persistent it is. Maxsyn is denser than Trojan, and similar to Governor.

Perennial Ryegrass

Perennial ryegrass is a cool season perennial grass used in cool, temperate climates throughout the world. It has many worthy attributes and is considered the best overall pasture grass for many areas.

Perennial ryegrass is a cool season perennial grass used in cool, temperate climates throughout the world. It has many worthy attributes and is considered the best overall pasture grass for many areas.

Perennial ryegrass is a cool season perennial grass used in cool, temperate climates throughout the world. It has many worthy attributes and is considered the best overall pasture grass for many areas.