Red Clover
Red clover is an upright, short-lived perennial. It has a strong taproot that allows it to use subsoil moisture in summer better than white clover. It does not tolerate dry conditions or drought, or poorly drained soils. Red clover provides extra feed in late spring and summer in high rainfall areas, irrigated pastures or on naturally summer-moist soils that are well drained. It can be sown as pure swards as a specialist crop for hay, as silage or grazing. Rotational grazing will promote plant longevity and persistence. Most cultivars do not persist beyond 2 to 3 years.
Barduro is a persistent red clover named for its hardiness and durability. It is extremely drought and heat tolerant, making it the perfect choice for dry or sloped pastures. Barduro has proved competitive in stands of fescue and Bermuda grass, making it an excellent choice for overseeding pastures. It has a high yield potential, making Barduro an excellent choice for hay production. Due to its persistent nature and durability, Barduro is also well-suited for grazing.