Commander is a winter active chicory, providing great year-round growth, improved root rot resistance and excellent grazing. Chicory is a persistent leafy herb lasting 2-3 years with a large tap root. It performs best in fertile, free draining soils in regions of greater than 550 mm rainfall. Chicory requires a wellprepared seed bed and soil temperatures of greater than 10ºC for successful establishment.
Broadleaf weeds can be difficult to control in chicory stands, therefore the paddock should be free of broadleaf weeds prior to seeding and a preemergent herbicide should be used. Chicory should be rotationally grazed on a 4-6 week rotation and will require added nitrogen for maximum performance.
Combined Lucerne and Chicory Pasture
• Chicory may contribute to weed control by providing good ground cover
• Lucerne and chicory have complementary growth habits
• Lucerne is a legume providing nitrogen back into the soil
• Chicory is a leafy, deep rooted perennial herb using nitrogen
• Chicory in the pasture may help reduce worm burden and red gut in animals