
Westerwold Ryegrass

(Lolium multiflorum)

  • Excellent for overseeding
  • High forage production
  • Withstands high grazing pressure
  • Excellent forage quality
  • Rust resistant & cold tolerant

Ribeye is an earlier producing, earlier maturing, and winter-hardy diploid variety that has proven itself in yield, quality and grazing tolerance. The forage quality of Ribeye is excellent both in nutritive value and low rust infection. Ribeye has also been given high marks for winter-hardiness in cold injury ratings. Ribeye has performed exceptionally well in the Cedara trials with high dry matter yields and aggressive regrowth.

Seeding rate
20 - 30 kg/ha
Westerwold Ryegrass

Autumn planting / Feb. – Apr. Long photoperiodic day lengths stimulates flowering and seed production – normally around October. This result in a decrease in DM production and less palatable pasture. Good production during Autumn and early Winter.

Autumn planting / Feb. – Apr. Long photoperiodic day lengths stimulates flowering and seed production – normally around October. This result in a decrease in DM production and less palatable pasture. Good production during Autumn and early Winter.

Autumn planting / Feb. – Apr. Long photoperiodic day lengths stimulates flowering and seed production – normally around October. This result in a decrease in DM production and less palatable pasture. Good production during Autumn and early Winter.